Pippo Ciorra


Architect, critic and professor, member of the editorial board of “Casabella” from 1996 to 2012, he collaborates with journals, reviews and national press and is author of many essays and publications. In 2011 he has published an overview of the conditions of architecture in Italy, Senza architettura, le ragioni per una crisi (Laterza). Author of a number of books and, he’s published monographic studies on Ludovico Quaroni (Electa, 1989), Peter Eisenman (Electa, 1993), and then on museums, city, photography and contemporary Italian architecture.

He teaches design and theory at SAAD (University of Camerino) and is the director of the international PhD program “Villard d’Honnecourt” (IUAV). He’s a member of CICA (International Committee of Architectural Critics), advisor for the award “Gold Medal of the Italian architecture”. He’s been chairing or participating to national and international design conpetitions.

He has curated and designed exhibitions in Italy and abroad.  Since 2009, he is Senior Curator of MAXXI Architettura in Rome. Among his major exhibitions, Re-cycle, Energy, Food. Piccole Utopie is a traveling show on ten Italian architects. He curates the Italian branch of YAP, the MoMA PS1 international program for young architects.

05.03.2020 18:00

05.03.2020 18:00