About the series

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskond on Eesti arhitektuurihariduse keskpunkt ja olulisim kompetentsikeskus kõigis tehiskeskkonda loovates distsipliinides, hõlmates sisearhitektuuri, arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise valdkonda.


The Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) was established in 1914. It is the only public university in Estonia providing higher education in fine art, design, architecture, visual culture and conservation.

The organiser of the lecture series is the Faculty of Architecture at the EAA which is the central institution of architectural education in Estonia, offering programs in architecture and town-planning, as well as in interior architecture and urban studies.


Sille Pihlak

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture



Tiina Tammet

Coordinator of the lecture series


Maroš Krivy

Curator of the lecture series of 2024 Spring


Liis Mõttus

Faculty’s study coordinator


Robert Luig

IT support and lectures videos